Welcome to Hawaii's Adult Criminal Information (eCrim) site.
eCrim allows you to search for and view an individual's conviction information from HCJDC's criminal history record files.

Helpful Information
This online service allows you to view an individual's conviction information based on the search criteria that you provide. The search criteria may include name, social security number, date of birth, and/or gender.
The search is conducted on criminal history record files maintained by the Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center. The search results do not include Hawaii Sex Offender and Other Covered Offender Registration information.
Each unique search will be charged a $5.00 fee. You may reuse searches in the same login session.
The cost for an official eCrim report is $10.
Questions about data or accuracy: (808) 587-3279
Technical Questions: (808) 695-4620
Technical Support Live ChatIMPORTANT NOTICE: Pursuant to Hawaii State Statute 134-84(f), a NAME-BASED BACKGROUND CHECK TO OBTAIN AN ELECTRIC GUN/E-GUN/TASER shall be conducted by a LICENSED DISTRIBUTOR/SELLER. The statute does not provide for a buyer to perform their own name-based criminal history background check. Refunds will NOT be given SHOULD YOU DECIDE TO purchase a NAME-BASED BACKGROUND CHECK from HCJDC or online via eCrim, and it cannot be used as a name-based criminal history background check to purchase an electric gun.